19 March 2024

New PhD Fellow Alexander M. K. Mkandawire

Last month Centre for Privacy Studies welcomed Alexander M. K. Mkandawire as new PhD Fellow.

Alexander received his master's degree in theology just earlier this year, here at University of Copenhagen.

Alexander's PhD project will explore the ways in which notions of belief and privacy were exchanged in early-modern missionary encounters. Focusing on Greenland, he will engage with detailed studies of diaries, letter correspondences, different types of devotional texts, such as psalms and hymns as well as the writing and “re”-writing of tales from the Greenlandic oral story telling tradition. He aims to open new perspectives on the cultural/ colonial encounter between the Greenlandic Inuit and missionaries representing both the Danish mission as well as the mission of the Unitas Fratrum.

Alexander is the last of our new PhD fellows to start, and it is already palpable how the new group is bringing new energy and perspectives to the center. We are looking forward to working with him the next years to come.
