Democratic momentum in Africa? Reflections on the recent election in Ghana


Is the recent successful election in Ghana a sign of a broader trend of democratic momentum in Africa? And what are the factors that explain this success? In this seminar we discuss and reflect on the recent election in Ghana, on the factors explaining its success and its challenges, on key topics of the election debate such as water and illegal mining, as well as the often-ignored religious factor in the election.

As sociologist and observer of African politics Ebenezer Obadare has recently said “Liberal democracy is strengthening across Africa. One just needs to know where to look”. This observation counters the narrative of a continent in democratic decline often exemplified by recent military coups in West Africa and with the argument that Western democracy is incompatible with political culture in Africa that rather needs to develop Afro-democracy.


Professor George Bob-Milliar, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; Affiliate Professor, Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen and visiting researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute.

Assistant Professor Humphrey Asamoah Agyekum, Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

Associate Professor, Karen Lauterbach, Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen