Courses at Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre

Picture by Rasmus Degnbol

Fixed courses





This course uncovers a European history about love that has shaped the present in untold ways. Our love stories reveal that we conceive of the human condition as desiring, striving, and longing, but also as avoiding reality and the concrete commitments that tie us to finitude. We read responses to this escapism in the form of a moral call to respond to the other, also when this means respecting difference and the other’s independence. Throughout, we gain tools for thinking seriously about love today.



This course examines the question of the good life as it surfaces in key texts from Continental philosophy, with particular focus on human freedom and the search for meaning, fulfilment, and happiness. We inquire into our relationships, activities, and commitments; we wonder about the importance of personal responsibility and active engagement; and we ask whether freedom is key to the good life, and, if so, the freedom to do what? We may not discover the secret to happiness in this course, but we do partake in an age-old pilgrimage in search of the good life.












This course runs from July 3rd to July 22nd, 2024 and serves two purposes: First, it offers a general survey of the thought of Denmark’s most globally famous philosopher and Christian theologian, Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855); second, it specifically assays Kierkegaard’s interrogation of becoming an individual in the dynamics between the religious and the secular. Kierkegaard’s authorship centers on the existential project of becoming oneself. According to Kierkegaard, this is a difficult ethical and religious task that presents itself to every human individual—and at the same time, it is a task that demands the individual challenge their preconceptions about the content and limits of both morality and religiosity. In brief, Kierkegaard’s interpretation of Christianity requires that the individual confront and develop a new relationship to their own religiosity, in addition to what is ethically required of them. Application deadline April 1st, 2024. You can apply here


Fixed courses will be offered at every semester or as summercourses. Locate them through the University of Copenhagen's course-catalogue.

Kierkegaard as a part of the BA and MA program:

Since the late 1980s, the study of Kierkegaard has been a permanent part of the ‘Ethics and Philosophy of Religion’ program (currently only offered in Danish) at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Copenhagen. All BA students must read Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments, and numerous MA theses and papers for elective courses have been written on Kierkegaard. The study of Kierkegaard has also been a central part of a great number of comprehensive examinations. This professional interest in Kierkegaard has continued with many PhD dissertations.