Quality of education at the Faculty of Theology
The Faculty of Theology's Policy for quality assurance of study programmes describes how the quality system supports the ongoing quality of education, and ensures the building of the necessary documentation. The quality assurance policy complies with the requirements of the "European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)".
Policy for quality assurance of study programmes (link to pdf)
Procedures and descriptions
In order to assure the quality and ongoing enhancement of the study programmes, the faculty has established a series of procedures and descriptions, which can be found here.
Policy for deploying and developing the skills of full- and part-time academic staff at the Faculty of Theology
The Faculty's Policy for deploying and developing the skills of full- and part-time academic staff at the Faculty of Theology can be found here.
Contact us
Faculty of Theology
South Campus
Karen Blixens Plads 16
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
E-mail: dtf@teol.ku.dk
Homepage: https://teol.ku.dk/english
Telephone: +45 35 32 39 61
Telefax: +45 35 32 36 00
Further information:
EAN no.: 5798000421479
CVR no.: 29979812
Read more

Quality Assurance of Study Programmes at the University of Copenhagen (link to website)