Centre for Copenhagen Luther Research (CCLR)

The Centre establishes a research environment around the study of Martin Luther (1483-1546). We investigate Luther from a medieval and renaissance perspective as well as in the context of his own day. We also have a strong focus on the reception-history of his thoughts.

Photo: Porträt des Martin Luther, 1525 (Bristol). Wikipedia.

The Centre first and foremost targets the study of Luther's concept of language. We explore this historically, seeking precedents in 15th century (or earlier) thought, but also comparatively, such as to other theorists of language in the 16th century like Erasmus of Rotterdam and Philip Melanchthon. We ask how the concept of language connects to fundamental theological and philosophical issues such as the concept of God, the understanding of the human being, the Bible, education, music, images, and communication in general. Finally, we work intensively with how these questions have been examined within theological and philosophical thought from the 17th-20th centuries.


We meet 4-6 times per semester.


  • February 13: Jakub Koryl, PhD, Assist. Prof. Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow. Title: Martin Luther and Aristotle's “Metaphysics”, 994a 28. A Study in Philology and Ontology
  • February 27: Anna Vind, PhD, Assoc. Prof, Copenhagen Univ. Title: Erasmus – a Lutheran theologian? Reading Erasmus’ paraphrase of Psalm 3, 1524
  • March 13: Jens Refslund Poulsen, studieadjunkt, Copenhagen Univ. Title (needs follow up): Aristotle’s theory of metaphors
  • April 24 (NB: 16.30-18): Patrick Ebert, Dr., Wiss. Mitarbeiter, Heidelberg Univ. Title (needs follow up): The hidden God in Luther and Lutheran thought
  • May 15: Herman Westerink, Prof., Radboud Univ., Nijmegen Title: Lacan on Luther and the birth of the modern subject
The program is sent out via email and posted at this site, please sign up to receive it: av@teol.ku.dk.
Physical (Room 8B-1-33) and zoom attendance is possible.
The language of the seminar generally follows the language in the title. 


PROGRAM Fall 2024:

  • 2.10 (NB: Wednesday): Dr. Giovanni Tortoriello: Scala Christus est. Reassessing the Historical Context of Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross
  • 24.10: Prof. Heinrich Assel, Greifswald, Luthers Gott – Hegels Beitrag
  • 6.11 (NB: Wednesday): PhD student Theis Schønning Johansen: Hidden Revelation – on the concept of Deus absconditus in De servo arbitrio
  • 28.11: Prof. Dr. Volkhard Wels: Das Verhältnis von Logik/Dialektik und Theologie bei Melanchthon
  • 5.12: Prof. Dr. Volker Leppin: Two Sides of a Medal. Luther attacking the Jews and the Pope (room to be announced)
  • 8.2. Assoc.prof. Anna Vind, University of Copenhagen: Sapientia negativa. Luther on Ecclesiastes
  • 29.2. Assoc. prof. Christine Svinth-Værge Põder, University of Copenhagen: Luthers brug af figuren "stærke og svage kristne" i fortalen til Taufbüchlein 1523, læst i kontekst af de liturgiske reformer i Wittenberg 1522-23
  • 14.3. Prof. Heinrich Assel. University of Greifswald: Luther’s and Lutheran Christology
  • 11.4. Cand.theol. Gustav Graeser Damgaard: "Der konkrete Geist" - Hegel and Luther
  • 25.4. Understandings of Language and the Lords Supper in the Lutheran tradition. Readings of mutual texts written by Joachim Ringleben, Göttingen and Heinrich Assel, Greifswald.
  • 6.6. Prof. Duane H. Davis, University of North Carolina-Ashville: Reading Merleau-Ponty’s Preface to Phenomenology of Perception Today (i samarbejde med Center for Paradoksstudier)

14.9. Om sprogets guddommelige natur: Uddrag af Hegels fænomenologi, intro v. stud. theol. Gustav Graeser Damgaar

28.9. Prof. Knut Alfsvåg, Stavanger: Cusanus and Luther 

6.11. Prof. Dr. Gesche Linde, Tübingen: Luther‘s concept of experience 

27.11. Assoc. Prof. PhD Lars Nørgaard: Rejecting Aristotle. Contexts and implications.

7.12. Cand. theol. PhD student Theis Schønning Johansen: Renæssancehumanismen og reformationen


23.3. RETFÆRDIGGØRELSE OG HELLIGGØRELSE: Assoc. Prof. PhD Anna Vind: Teologisk antropologi i Melanchthons Loci 1521/stud. theol. Karen Elisabeth Raahauge: Helliggørelse hos Luther.

30.3. VISDOM OG TÅBELIGHED 1: Cand.theol. PhD student Theis Schønning Johansen: Erasmus om lovprisning af tåbeligheden

13.4. VISDOM OG TÅBELIGHED 2: Stud.theol. Gustav Graeser Damgaard: Theologica Paradoxa - Visdom og tåbelighed i Martin Luthers Heidelbergdisputation

27.4. DIALEKTIK OG RETORIK 1: Cand.theol. Emil Lund Pedersen: Res og verbum hos Lorenzo Valla og Luther (Vom Abendmahl Christi)

17.5. DIALEKTIK OG RETORIK 2: Cand.theol. Bjarke Lynning Nielsen: Nye perspektiver på Luthers Nova Lingua

15.6. Common reading of G. Bader, 'Luther und die Skepsis'; 'Erfahrung mit der Erfahrung' and L. Floridi, 'The Diffusion of Sextus Empiricus’ Work in the Renaissance’.





Name Title Phone E-mail
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Phone
Anna Vind Associate Professor +4535323618 E-mail
Carsten Pallesen Associate Professor +4535323680 E-mail
Christine Svinth-Værge Põder Associate Professor +4535323679 E-mail
Gustav Graeser Damgaard PhD Fellow +4535327915 E-mail
Johanne Stubbe T Kristensen Associate Professor E-mail
Jonas Kjøller-Rasmussen PhD Student +4535326490 E-mail
Lars Cyril Nørgaard Associate Professor +4535323713 E-mail
Nete Helene Enggaard Associate Professor +4535337075 E-mail
Sven Rune Havsteen Associate Professor +4535323634 E-mail
Theis Schønning Johansen PhD Fellow +4535325937 E-mail


Associate professor, PhD
Faculty of Theology
University of Copenhagen
E-mail: av@teol.ku.dk
Phone: +4535323618


Name Title Phone E-mail
Ditte Johanne Rieder Kjær
Ellen Inger Fabricius Harms
Sophie Amalie Dam Holm student
Agnethe Tofte-Hansen student
Ida Margrethe Aagaard Holm student

External researchers:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Niels Hvelplund cand.theol.
Martin Wangsgaard Jürgensen senior researcher, dr.theol.
Bjarke Lynning Nielsen pastor, cand.theol.
Jesper Tang Nielsen pastor, dr.theol.
Emil Lund Pedersen cand. theol.
Gustav Graeser Damgaard cand. theol.
Karen Elisabeth Raahauge cand. theol.
Thomas Reinholdt Rasmussen bishop
Sasja Emilie Mathiassen Stopa post.doc., PhD
Martin Ravn pastor, PhD