Religion, Modernity, and Cultural Heritage: The Legacy and Sustainability of Moravian Christiansfeld
Christiansfeld represents a unique opportunity to study the continuous and complex entanglement of religion and modern Nordic society as it is being formed, including urban design, industrialization, musical and literary expressions, heritagization, everyday life, and forms of social and individual subjectivity.
An interdisciplinary research network dedicated to Christiansfeld.
The network investigates new perspectives on religion and cultural heritage on the basis of empirical material from UNESCO World Heritage site Christiansfeld. It brings together researchers from different fields and institutions in order to stimulate and coordinate interdisciplinary, international research, and to facilitate further funding applications, in order to enable new and deeper investigations of the unexplored material.
The network brings together researchers from different fields and a broad range of institutions. The four core members of the network are:
Tine Reeh (PI), Associate Professor, dr.theol.
University of Copenhagen
Tine Damsholt, Professor with special responsibilities, PhD
University of Copenhagen
Marie Riegels Melchior, Associate Professor, PhD
University of Copenhagen
Christina Petterson, Gerda Henkel Research Fellow, PhD, Mtheol
Australian National University