Blog 2017.11.20 Zimbabwe: suspended in anticipation, but not defeated Amanda Hammar, Director of the Centre of African Studies, reflects on Zimbabwe’s unfolding politica…
2017.11.09 Contribution by Stig Jensen to new publication: 50 Events: Highlights of World History Stig has written a chapter in the book about the abolition of Apartheid in South Africa in 1994.
2017.11.09 Debate: East Africa - Progress or Democratic Decay? International Debate invites to a debate about East Africa's political situation and future, where…
Opening 2017.11.03 International research centre in privacy opens The Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) is now officially…
2017.11.02 CRIC research seminar: Human rights as an alternative framework of justice for victims of ‘crimes against humanity’ in riot control: the case of Uganda CRIC invites to a research seminar that will take place on Monday November 13th.
2017.10.16 Behind the Wallpapered Door – New Research Lifts the Veil on Privacy A new research centre aims to scrutinise private life in a historical perspective...
excellent 2017.09.02 Research Prize goes to Church Historian Professor in Church History Mette Birkedal Bruun receives the Carlsberg Foundation's Research Prize…
Retreat 2017.07.04 From luxury to silence and self-flagellation In 17th century France, people from the upper class regularly took on a religious refuge at the…
Article 2017.06.29 Article in Globalnyt by Stig Jensen, Associate Professor at the Centre of African Studies Stig has written a sharp and comprehensive analysis about the government’s new foreign- and securit…
2017.06.26 The Centre of African Studies offers a two-day course for high-school teachers (in Danish) The course is titled ‘Africa Now: Migration, Religion, Climate and Conflict', and is dealing with…