25 August 2014

New Publication: Spiritual Gifts and Relations of Exchange among Congolese in Kampala, Uganda

CAS is pleased to announce Karen Lauterbach's publication of the chapter "Spiritual Gifts and Relations of Exchange among Congolese in Kampala, Uganda"  in the book "Religion and Development. Nordic Perspectives on Involvement in Africa" (edited by Tomas Sundness Drønen).

In the chapter "Spiritual Gifts and Relations of Exchange among Congolese in Kampala, Uganda" Karen Lauterbach draws attention to the role of religion and spirituality in contexts of displacement and analyses spirituality (spiritual gifts) as an asset that can be exchanged for material goods, money and recognition. She explores how these mechanisms of exchange unfold among Congolese refugees in small Pentecostal churches in Kampala, Uganda and argues that the spiritual realm takes on a specific meaning in contexts of displacement, where people seek ways of making a life in conditions of uncertainty and lack economic opportunities.
The chapter is part of a postdoctoral project funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research | Social Sciences and hosted by the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen.

You can find more information about the book "Religion and Development. Nordic Perspectives on Involvement in Africa" and order it online here.