19 December 2016

New Publication by Associate Professor Stig Jensen


Stig Jensen, Associate Professor at Centre of African Studies, has a chapter in the newly published book: “De Uforsvarlige: Politiske Massemordere” edited by Mikkel Thorup, published by Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

The publication revolves around 16 of the world’s most notorious mass murderers, the so called “un-defendable”.  Those whose character has made them stand out as exceptionally evil in history, who cannot be defended or forgiven, but who one none the less should try to understand.

The project of this book is to get into these people’s heads and elucidate their political and moral way of thinking as well as their motivations, to try and understand their thoughts and the time and world they lived in. For even though their actions make them appear remarkably vicious, they can be seen as acting based on broader political, religious and moral mindsets – and their thoughts can be understood as part of our collective way of thinking. The purpose of the book is therefore to focus on what those who cannot be defended said and did, in order to understand their thoughts and perhaps through that be able to prevent political mass murders in the future.

Stig Jensen has written a chapter about the Zimbabwean president Robert Gabriel Mugabe. A man with many accusations against him and who amongst others has proclaimed himself “The Hitler of our time” and intentionally uses his lack of popularity among Western politicians and scholars as a political tool. 

“De Uforsvarlige” can be bought online and in selected bookstores.