13 December 2016

PhD and post-doctoral opportunities at the ACC

The African Centre for Cities (ACC) at the University of Cape Town invites applications for two PhD and one post-doctoral opportunities focusing on sustainable infrastructure and adaptive governance. In a context of rapidly expanding cities in Africa, there is an opportunity to develop contextually relevant sustainable infrastructure such as low carbon, resource efficient and labour intensive strategies embedded in participatory governance with multilevel governance. The successful candidates will contribute to exploring this from an African and southern cities perspective.

Established in 2007, the ACC seeks to facilitate critical urban research and policy discourses for the promotion of vibrant, democratic and sustainable urban development in the global South from an African perspective using interdisciplinary approaches.

Please note that applicants must be citizens of an African Union country.

Please find more information about requirements, application procedure etc. here.

Questions of clarity can be submitted via email to ntombini.marrengane@uct.ac.za. Complete applications must be submitted in hard copy or via email no later than 16 January 2017 to:
Mrs. Maryam Waglay
Senior Secretary
African Centre for Cities
Environmental and Geographical Science Building, Level 2
Upper Campus, University of Cape Town
Rondebosch 7701
South Africa