7 June 2018

Two PhD Fellowhips at the Faculty of Theology

Subject to available grants, the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, hearby announces that one three-year PhD scholarship and one friplads within all research areas of the Faculty will be available from 15 December 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter. (A friplads entails a position in which all tuition/administrative costs are covered by the Faculty, but no additional funds are available.) The granting of a scholarship or friplads carries with it enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD school of the Faculty of Theology.

Deadline for applications is 15 September 2018.

To be considered, applicants must have a Master’s degree in Theology or any other relevant Master’s degree including African Studies or similar qualifications. Besides attention to the scientific quality and the feasibility of the proposed PhD project, the assessment will put emphasis on the talent for independent research demonstrated by the applicant usually through a Master’s thesis or similar

Read more about the application requirements and procedure here.