1 November 2019

Associate Professor Stig Jensen publishes article with former CAS student Rune Larsen


An exciting academic collaboration between CAS Associate Professor Stig Jensen and former CAS student Rune Larsen, PHD from Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University, Moesgård, Denmark.

Associate Professor Stig Jensen publishes article with former CAS student Rune Larsen, titled "The Imagined Africa of the West: a critical perspective on Western imaginations of Africa". The article is published in Review of African Political Economy. It is an exciting debate piece that dicusses how exceptionalised images of Africa are reproduced in contemporary Western discourse and imagination. Important issues are debated, such as how Africa is imagined as an "Other", and in what ways, and important questions are asked, such as: "Can the West imagine Africa in a representative way?". 

You can access the article here