24 September 2020

Associate Professor Stig Jensen publishes chapter in "The Crisis of Democracies and the New Autocracies"

Associate Professor Stig Jensen has written a chapter that will be published in the peer reviewed book from Aarhus University Publications titled "The Crisis of Democracies and the New Autocracies". This book examines the crisis of modern democratic institutions, and the new tendencies which threatens the foundation for the liberal representative democracy. Different researchers outline specific ways in which democracy is threatened today - not through coup d'etats or revolutions, but through a slower development, where the freedom of the press is curtailed, the opposition is harassed, corruption enables loyalty, and the political independence of the legal system crumbles. 

Stig Jensens chapter concerns the case of Zimbabwe, and is titled: "Zimbabwe: Born democratic, but the people are still fighting for democracy". The chapter aims at providing insight and analysis of Zimbabwe's political development primarily since 1980. The prime focus is on central events and key actors and their roles related to democratization in the country. The final session focuses on recent development in Zimbabwe in the light of COVID-19.  

The book is in Danish and can be found here: https://unipress.dk/udgivelser/d/demokratiets-krise-og-de-nye-autokratier/
