12 January 2021

Associate Professor Stig Jensen publishes article on tourism in Uganda during the COVID-pandemic

Associate Professor Stig Jensen, has written an article titled "They are desperate for tourists in Southwest Uganda", for the website Globalnyt. In this article, Stig Jensen describes how the Corona-crisis has started an economic meltdown in Uganda, especially in parts where nature-based tourism is foundational for the economy, and where many people are now fighting to survive. The national parks are emptied of tourists and instead the COVID-restrictions and lockdown has meant that young people from the big cities are migrating to the rural areas to find new livelihoods. One of the consequences of this, is a peak in crime and poaching in these areas. You can read more about Stig Jensens analysis of the COVID-pandemics effects in the Ugandan society, and how the upcoming election might influence this, by clicking here.

The article is in Danish.