10 August 2021

Associate Professor Stig Jensen discusses the African Union’s press statement on Denmark’s Alien Act.

The African Union issued in early August a strong condemnation of Denmark’s Aliens Law passed in June. The AU said: “This law effectively externalizes and exports the asylum process beyond the borders of Demark. Denmark has decided to send applications for international protection outside its borders; which amounts to responsibility and burden shifting”. The statement continues with:

 “Africa has a lot to show to the world as it continues to generously shoulder the burden of the world’s 85% of the refugees, often in protracted situations, whereas only 15% are hosted by developed countries.

“In addition, the African Union notes with great concern attempts and proposals to establish similar arrangements in Africa through bilateral arrangements, which is worrying and unacceptable,” it said.

“The African Union perceives such attempts as an extension of the borders of such countries and an extension of their control to the African shores. Such attempts to stem out migration from Africa to Europe is xenophobic and completely unacceptable.”

Associate professor Stig Jensen has been on Zetland’s news podcast Helikopter to discuss the matter. He explains that asserting concerns over the controversial law is a Pan-African stance that reminds Denmark of its responsibility towards international protection for persons in need safeguarded by the 1951 UN Convention on refugees, to which Denmark is a state party.


You can listen to the podcast (in Danish) by clicking here

And you can read the African Union’s press statement here