Fighting for Biodiversity in Africa
Associate Professor, Stig Jensen, highlights conservation efforts in Africa.

In an article published in Danish Journal Udenrigs, Associate Professor Stig Jensen, details the fight for biodiversity in Africa. With an increasing threat of extinction to multiple animal species on the continent, biodiversity becomes an evermore pressing issue. With many African nations facing this problem NGOs, such as African Parks, become increasingly important. They have the funds and the capacity to excel at sustainability projects.
In 2010 Chad let African Parks takeover Zakouma National Park in a conflict prone area. The management is based on what can be labelled green militarization and only possible with massive western investment and support from local communities This approach proved very beneficial as it not only helped protect and improve conditions for biodiversity in the region, but also created jobs, stability and in other ways improved the quality of life for the local population.
To learn more about biodiversity and how to protect it, read the article here; in Danish.