3 June 2024

Strong Social Ties at Centre of African Studies

Study Environment

A New Report from University of Copenhagen Reveals Strong Social Cohesion and Supportive Study Environment at the Centre of African Studies.


A recent well-being survey conducted by the University of Copenhagen has highlighted the strong social cohesion and supportive atmosphere within the Centre of African Studies. The study, part of the university's annual evaluation, underscores the Centre's commitment to fostering an inclusive and engaging educational environment.

- At the Centre of African Studies, we are very invested in creating an inclusive and active learning environment. We prioritize dialogue and engagement with our students both within and outside of the classroom, which is key for a good social and learning environment”, says Karen Lauterbach, Director at the Centre of African Studies.

According to the 2023 Study Environment Survey, a majority of students at the Centre of African Studies feel a strong connection with their peers and report having a supportive network. "The social study environment is good," states the report, indicating a high level of student satisfaction with interpersonal relationships and collaborative opportunities.

Engagement in academic and extracurricular activities has also been a strong point for Centre of African Studies. The report notes that students are actively involved in their studies and participate in various initiatives that enhance their educational experience.

Moreover, the availability of support and guidance for students who may struggle with their studies or personal issues is another highlighted strength. The survey revealed that many students know where to find help when needed and feel that the resources provided are accessible and effective.

The findings from this survey are part of the university's ongoing efforts to enhance the educational environment and ensure that all students have the resources and support they need to succeed.
