29 June 2017

Article in Globalnyt by Stig Jensen, Associate Professor at the Centre of African Studies


Associate Professor at CAS Stig Jensen has written an analysis about the government’s new foreign- and security policy strategy for the newspaper Globalnyt.

The article is in Danish and titled:’ Danmark trumpeterer mod afrikanske migranter’.

The article focuses mainly on the fundamental and thought-provoking shift and new direction of the strategy, which Stig compares with Trumps ‘America First’- approach to foreign policy.  Several points in the strategy, most of them connected to immigration, are highlighted and their objectives and expected practical implications are discussed and critiqued.

The article also focuses on the lack of thorough knowledge of the basic nature of the issues on the African continent, and deeper insight into the correlation of different phenomena, including how internal phenomena in Africa affect EU and Denmark. The effects of this lack of knowledge on the strategy are also discussed, the biggest consequences being; short-term and ineffective solutions to problems that require detailed analysis and long-term initiatives.

The article can be read here.