28 March 2017

Communicating Africa

Africa Seminar

What is Africa exactly and how is it represented? How can the trend of stereotypical narratives be challenged? These questions were on the agenda at CAS' latest Africa Seminar

Centre of African Studies hosted a well visited seminar on Friday 24 March, problematizing the coverage of the continent of Africa in the Danish media as well as discussing what it takes to move beyond stereotypical narratives of Africa.

Amongst the speakers were Karen Lauterbach Associate Professor at CAS; Amanda Hammar Director and MSO Professor at CAS; Ben Jones Senior Lecturer in Development Studies at the University of East Anglia; Morten Nielsen Head of Secretariat of Afrika Kontakt; Pernille Bærendtsen Journalist and MA-student at CAS; Søren Bendixen Africa-Correspondent at Danish Broadcasting Cooperation (DR); Stig Jensen Associate Professor at CAS and Hanne Selnæs Journalist/Communication Advisor at Selnæs Kommunikation as the moderator.

Gerd Kieffer, journalist at Globalnyt participated in the seminar and has written an article summarizing the highlights of the day.

You can read the full article here. Please note that the article is in Danish.