7 December 2017

Debate: The Future of Young Africa


Associate Proffesor at Centre of African Studies Stig Jensen, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Tørnes and Senior Research Associate at DIIS Hans Lucht, dissuss some of the challenges the youth of Africa face.

In the context of the 5th summit between the African Union and the European Union (AU-EU), that took place the 29th-30th November 2017 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, the panel discusses the youth's future in Africa and the role of the international community.

Recently it has been established that slave trade is taking place in Libya of mostly young African immigrants. This has renewed the attention on the causes of immigration in Africa, and initiatives that should be taken in order to reduce the immigration and increase living standards.

Three out of five Africans are under 25, and Africa will need 22 million new jobs for young people every year. But where should they come from? Why have the African countries not yet developed processing industries? Should the African nations primarily focus on agriculture, or job creation in the cities? What does the youth of Africa want?  Do the different elites of Africa make room for young people in the political decision-making processes? These questions as well other questions are discussed by the panel.