from the Faculty of Humanities
TILVALG in African Studies (BA and KA students)
African Studies provides TILVALGSSTUDERENDE from the Faculty of Humanities an opportunity to gain insight into Africa's social, developmental, cultural and religious conditions, and also offers the opportunity to learn the African language Kiswahili. The programme is in English and the study environment is international. TILVALGSSTUDERENDE are eligible to apply for courses at Centre of African Studies after having passed 2 years of exams (120 ECTS) at their faculty.
As TILVALGSSTUDERENDE you can choose from the Centre of African Studies' range of optional courses, as well as Kiswahili and summer courses - but you cannot sign up for compulsory courses or internship and fieldwork. All optional courses correspond to 10 or 15 ETCS, and you choose yourself if you sign up for the course and exam corresponding to 10 or 15 ECTS. Kiswahili, which lasts two semesters, corresponds to 15 ECTS. Our summer courses are held in July or August for three or four weeks and correspond to 10 ECTS.
The courses offered may vary from semester to semester.
Updated courses list
You should fill in the form Forhåndsgodkendelse af tilvalg uden for Det Humanistiske Fakultet. Be in good time as it can take up to 10 weeks for the Humanities to process your application.
The approved Forhåndsgodkendelse should be sent to the Study Board at the Centre of African Studies. The deadline for applications for admission in the summer and September is 1 June; the deadline for admission in February is 1 December.
If you have to wait for several weeks for your Forhåndsgodkendelse, you may fill in the form for credit students and send it to us.
Study facilities
The library is equipped with a wireless network and features newly installed study points. The faculty has a computer room and access codes for the study facilities are available at the reception.
CAS Library
The Centre for African Studies library contains over 10,000 books and approximately 60 periodicals. The main emphasis in the library's collection is on the social-science and humanities disciplines. TILVALGSSTUDERENDE are allowed to borrow books and take them home.
You can find information on student ID-cards, pin code, KUnet, Absalon, wireless network etc. by following this link Study Start.
Africa seminars:
CAS hosts interdisciplinary Africa seminars on topical subjects, often with visiting lecturers from abroad. Participation is free and open to all. Please refer to CAS notice boards or website for details.