BVSN Bergen Volda Shakespeare Network (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership in research network

Anni Haahr Henriksen - Member

The BVSN is an extended community of scholars working in a range of related disciplines, all centred in some way on the editing, performance, translation, publication or reception of drama within an early modern frame. It exists to exchange information, produce scholarship, and further the work of individual scholars at doctoral level and at early stages in their careers.

The current network president is Svenn-Arve Myklebost, Volda University College, Norway.

This description is written by Svenn-Arve Myklebost, University of Volda, and taken from the BVSN's official website.
29 Oct 2016

External organisation

NameBVSN Bergen Volda Shakespeare Network
LocationKårstadsvegen, BK 421

    Research areas

  • Shakespeare Studies, Dramaturgy, International Research Network

ID: 199071184