Church History Section

The Church History Section has a double scholarly profile. It combines classical textual sources and questions (intellectual history of Christianity and history of the institutional church within culture and society) with more aesthetic source-material and questions (the role of literature, music, architecture and art within Christianity). The Section carries out research in the history of Christianity from ancient times until today.

Photo: Rasmus Degnbol

This double profile lies at the back of a row of specific research themes dealt with at the Section: Christian historical narratives and their meaning for national self-conceptions; Christian life within and withdrawn from the world; the cultural heritage of Christian rituals; theological anthropology and its aesthetic framework in language, images and music; synergy between politics/law and theology in early modern and modern times and finally global encounters between Christianity and other religions and cultures.

These research themes go across the following research fields that have traditionally enjoyed special attention at the Section: Research in Medieval Theology, Luther-research, research in Christianity and the Arts, research in Danish Church History and research in Global Christianity.

In the years to come research fields such as Reformation theology, Danish Church History and History of Christianity and the Arts will be strengthened through the achievements of the Danish National Research Foundation Centre of Privacy Studies (2017-2023). Church History is one of the Centre’s four core disciplines (the other are History of Architecture, Legal History and History of Ideas). The on-going exchange and collaboration between the Centre and the Church History Section will contribute to scholarly developments at the Centre as well as the Section.

Read more about  Centre of Privacy Studies (PRIVACY)

It is a characteristic of the Section that besides specific research interests every staff member is obliged to teach the entire history of Christianity from ancient times to today. This obligation contributes to establishing a fruitful specialist environment within a broad historical framework.





Research Strategy 2020-2023 at the Church History Section




  • Ancient Church and Late Antiquity

Isolation, sociality, space and movement in the culture of theology and religious history; Christianity and mediality.

Topics: Processions and urban spaces in late antiquity; principles of isolation in early monastic culture; musical understanding and the use of classical rhetoric in early Christianity; piety culture and ritual practices. 

  • High and Late Middle Ages

Theology and philosophy; academic and religious culture; Christianity and holy wars.

Topics: Medieval theology and philosophy and its interactions with academic and religious culture (e.g. the culture of the orders); the Reformation’s roots in scholastic theology, mystical theology  and Renaissance humanism; the Cistercians; the Crusades, missions and power politics in German and Nordic Middle Ages.

  • Early Modern Era

The interplay between theology, philosophy, historiography, history of ideas, art, music, architecture, law and psychiatry between 1500 and 1800.

Topics: Luther’s theology, the Reformation in Germany and Denmark, Luther reception and the history of Lutheranism in Denmark; theological aesthetics in Protestant culture: the relationship between theology, poetry and music; interdisciplinary studies in privacy, 1500–1800; the relationship between Lutheran theology and law during the Enlightenment; the Moravians in and outside Denmark; the relationship between Lutheranism and psychiatry in the 18th century.

  • 19th and 20th century

Danish and global church history, mission history, church and national identity; philosophy og law; holy wars; religion and secularism; cultural heritage; theology and gender; the reception history of the Reformation.

Topics: Christianity and politics in Denmark and globally; studies in modernity and theology; The Church of Denmark; studies in Grundtvig and Kierkegaard theology and reception; studies in theological arguments for and against secularisation; female theologians and the ordination of women; Danish and German Luther research and Luther reception; studies in the christianity in Africa; nationalism and historiography in Orthodox Church communities; the relationship between nationalism, Christianity and the notion of holy war in contemporary Western currents of thought and political positions.



Name Title Phone E-mail
Nordlund, Adam Graafland Guest Researcher E-mail
Mkandawire, Alexander Matchona K PhD Fellow +4535322079 E-mail
Holm, Anders Associate Professor +4535323702 E-mail
Vind, Anna Associate Professor +4535323618 E-mail
Henriksen, Anni Haahr Guest Researcher +4535326392 E-mail
Mønsted, Asta Guest Researcher E-mail
Vaucanson, Bastian Felter Guest Researcher +4535326936 E-mail
Lindegaard, Beate Elise Skakkebæk Student E-mail
Steensgaard, Benedikte Emilie T Student FU +4535325696 E-mail
Dimpker, Benedikte Xenia B Student FU E-mail
Christiansen, Benjamin Brandt PhD Fellow +4535323856 E-mail
Jensen, Carsten Selch Dean +4535323781 E-mail
Beck, Catherine Susan Guest Researcher +4535325797 E-mail
Gottlieb, Christian Guest Researcher +4535323581 E-mail
Troelsgård, Christian Associate Professor +4551298742 E-mail
Jeanneret, Christine Guest Researcher E-mail
Kjær, Ditte Johanne Rieder Student FU +4535334965 E-mail
Harms, Ellen Inger Fabricius Student FU +4535325660 E-mail
Klakk, Emma Guest Researcher E-mail
Gigone, Fabio Guest Researcher +4535334633 E-mail
Wöller, Florian Associate Professor +4535332259 E-mail
Hjorth, Hannah Katharina PhD Fellow E-mail
Yang, Hui-Yi Guest Researcher E-mail
Baki¿, Jelena Guest Researcher E-mail
Poulsen, Jens Refslund Teaching Assistant Professor +4535333301 E-mail
Ljungberg, Johannes Guest Researcher +4535331626 E-mail
Kjøller-Rasmussen, Jonas PhD Student +4535326490 E-mail
Pedersen, Kim Arne Associate Professor +4535331918 E-mail
Nørgaard, Lars Cyril Associate Professor +4535323713 E-mail
Nielsen, Lauge Professor Emeritus +4535323613 E-mail
Wandel, Lee Palmer Guest Researcher E-mail
Benison, Liam Paul Guest Researcher E-mail
Lillie, Louise Emerita +4535323628 E-mail
Poulsen, Maj Riis Special Consultant +4535332232 E-mail
Eyice, Mari Postdoc +4535333978 E-mail
Garcia Sanchez, Maria del Carmen Guest Researcher E-mail
Beck, Marie Hammershøj Student FU +4535336484 E-mail
Almbjär, Martin Guest Researcher E-mail
Lausten, Martin Schwarz No job title VIP +4535323619 E-mail
Jürgensen, Martin Wangsgaard Affiliate Professor E-mail
Bruun, Mette Birkedal Professor +4535323787 E-mail
Watts, Miriam Have PhD Fellow E-mail
Nissen, Nanna Eva Assistant Professor +4535333482 E-mail
Klein Kafer, Natacha Assistant Professor +4535332987 E-mail
Körner, Natalie Patricia Guest Researcher E-mail
Kastfelt, Niels Associate Professor Emeritus E-mail
Petersen, Nils Holger Associate Professor Emeritus +4535323621 E-mail
da S C P Grancho, Nuno M Postdoc +4535336970 E-mail
Astorri, Paolo Assistant Professor E-mail
Borenberg, Paul Guest Researcher E-mail
Balslev-Clausen, Peter Guest Researcher +4535333844 E-mail
Hvarregaard, Peter Buch PhD Fellow +4535337902 E-mail
Markussen, Rasmus PhD Student +4535323662 E-mail
Dreyer, Rasmus H.C. Guest Researcher +4535335217 E-mail
Arnheim, Rebecca Ilona Guest Researcher E-mail
Ayres, Sara Guest Researcher E-mail
Nauman, Sari Lilly Maria Guest Researcher E-mail
Christensen, Sigrid Nielsby Enrolled PhD Student E-mail
Kjeldgaard-Pedersen, Steffen Professor Emeritus +4535323626 E-mail
Havsteen, Sven Rune Associate Professor +4535323634 E-mail
Jensen, Søren Frank Postdoc E-mail
Johansen, Theis Schønning PhD Fellow +4535325937 E-mail
Lyngby, Thomas Guest Researcher +4524256542t E-mail
Reeh, Tine Ravnsted-Larsen Head of Section +4535322394 E-mail
Sergent, Tyler Guest Researcher E-mail
Wretström, Viktor Anders PhD Fellow +4535328705 E-mail


Head of section 
Associate Professor
Tine R. Reeh
+45 35 32 23 94