Presentation of music at concert in Trinitatis Church 12 March 2015

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Nils Holger Petersen - Lecturer

The concert was part of the conference Ora pro nobis II, and the programme included music from the Middle Ages up to the present time, medieval liturgy, an early modern ballad, romantic songs and excerpts from Peter Heise's King and Marshall, and a first performance of a piece by Nils Holger Petersen, "Miracle" (composed 2015). NHP introduced all music pieces contextualizing them within the perspective of the conference.
12 Mar 2015

Event (Conference)

TitleOra pro nobis II
LocationNational Museum of Denmark and Trinitatis Church Copenhagen

    Research areas

  • reception of saints' cults, the holy, music and liturgy, narrative, identity

ID: 135275250