EXHIBITION: Tell me of Louis

Exhibition by PRIVACY Scholar Fabio Gigone
What was the iconographic spectrum surrounding Louis XIV in Versailles? What’s the consistency of his visual collection?

'Tell me of Louis' is the second exhibition extracted from the ongoing Ph.D. research titled States of Proximity: Privacy under Louis XIV in Versailles, 1682-1715 by Fabio Gigone at the Centre of Privacy Studies - University of Copenhagen and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design, and Conservation.

The exhibition reconstructs the dispersed visual body displayed in the public and pri-vate rooms of Louis XIV in Versailles, retrieving the data from the textual inventories by André Félibien [1677], Charles Le Brun [1683], Piganiol de La Force [1707] and Nicolas Bailly [1709-1710]. The 851 works are here reproduced in 1:20 scale and arranged according to the Iconclass classification system, offering a pure analogical perception of the main iconographic formulas daily observed by Louis’ eyes.

Fabio Gigone is currently fellow at The Danish Institute of Rome.