9 December 2024

Salvation vs. health: The eternal pursuit of the flawless life

NB. The interview will be in Danish 

Mette Birkedal Bruun is guest in the conversation series THE WORLD ATTEMPTED EXPLAINED and will be interview by Kristian Cedervall Lauta, Prorector for education, University of Copenhagen.

Get more information and tickets here.

From the website:

Hvad kan 1600-tallets åndelige liv lære os om, hvorfor vi i dag jagter en sund krop og et langt liv? Kom med tilbage til 1600-tallets religiøse landskab, hvor intens åndelig fordybelse og hårde bodspraksisser var vejen til sjælefred og evigt liv.

Gennem overraskende eksempler fra 1600-tallets Frankrig viser kirkehistoriker Mette Birkedal Bruun, hvordan disse ritualer blev formet af menneskers forståelse af sig selv, deres forhold til Gud og deres plads i verden.

Få nye bud på, hvordan historien kan hjælpe os med at forstå os selv, når VERDEN FORSØGT FORKLARET denne aften stiller skarpt på parallellerne mellem fortidens higen efter frelse og moderne menneskers optagethed af sundhed, styrke og lange liv.


What can the spiritual life of the 17th century teach us about why we are today chasing a healthy body and a long life? Come along back to the religious landscape of the 17th century, where intense spiritual immersion and hard penance practices were the way to peace of mind and eternal life.

Through surprising examples from 17th-century France, church historian Mette Birkedal Bruun shows how these rituals were shaped by people's understanding of themselves, their relationship with God and their place in the world.

Get new ideas on how history can help us understand ourselves when THE WORLD ATTEMPTED EXPLAINED this evening focuses sharply on the parallels between the past yearning for salvation and modern people's preoccupation with health, strength and long life.
