Research Workshop: Privacy and the Eastern European Courts, 1500-1800


24 September 2021

13:00 – 18:00 CET

Anonymous, Entry of Wedding Procession of Constance of Austria into Kraków in 1605 (also known as the Stockholm Roll), Royal Castle in Warsaw

Research workshop co-hosted by the Centre for Privacy Studies at the University of Copenhagen and the Society for Court Studies—European Branch

The kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania throughout the medieval and early modern period were united through personal and unions establishing the Polish-Lithuanian state or Commonwealth. It was one of the largest and populated kingdoms in Europe, reinforced by a strong military cooperation. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was an influential political player in Europe. However, the unique union of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth also highlighted the distinct cultural character of each territory, as well the merging of these cultural characteristics that added to the fervour of the Reformation and contributed to advancing European culture. During the seventeenth century the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth marked its relevance in Europe with military victories against the Ottoman Empire, on top of being the cultural passage between East and West. The geopolitical position of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth resulted in several different approaches to privacy that can be identify in its court culture.

The political, social and cultural nature of the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom was bound up in the notions of liberty, commonwealth, familial connections, and “societies of neighbours.” (1) Though similar to other early modern states, it was these early modern concepts that shaped the public and private divide in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but were distinct to the Commonwealth because of the cultural factors within eastern Europe. Therefore, a workshop has been organised to draw attention to and showcase the current scholarship on the eastern European courts. The workshop will be held at the Centre for Privacy Studies at the University of Copenhagen on Friday, 24 September 2021.

This research workshop features early career and well-established scholars sharing their research that considers notions of privacy surrounding the eastern European courts, primarily the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The workshop programme is provided below.

The workshop will take place in a hybrid format of in-person and digital (via Zoom) participation, and is free and open to all. However, space is limited. To secure your place, please register by completing all fields within the registration form below. Should you have any questions, please contact the organisers by email at or

Organisers: Dustin M. Neighbors, Postdoctoral Research Associate, and Oskar J. Rojewski, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Privacy Studies

The workshop will take place in a hybrid format of in-person and digital (via Zoom) participation, and is free and open to all. However, space is limited. To secure your place, please register by completing all fields within the registration form below. Should you have any questions, please contact the organisers by email at or

The deadline to register for the workshop is: 10 September 2021.

Attending the workshop:

There are two ways to attend the workshop. In-person or digitally. If you are attending in-person, you must meet the COVID and/or entry requirements provided below to attend. You may be asked to verify you have met these requirements by the Danish authorities, the University of Copenhagen, or the staff of the Centre for Privacy Studies.

If you are attending digitally, you will be sent the access link via the email provided in the registration form. The email with the link will be sent out the day before the workshop.

COVID/entry requirements:

The information provided here is an summary of the full and detailed guidance provided by the Danish authorities. It is the responsibility of all attendees to review and adhere to the guidance provided here:

Depending on where attendees are coming from, the key requirement is that attendees be able to provide one of the following:

  • a vaccination passport/certificate
  • documentation that you have been previously infected
  • documentation that you are travelling on a negative test.

Furthermore, in some instances, attendees may need to present documents that demonstrate a ‘worthy purpose for entering Denmark’.

These requirements are also required by the University of Copenhagen and to visit restaurants and most cultural attractions in Denmark.

All attendees must abide by the guidance provided in the link above.

For attendees that need a letter to provide documentation of a ‘worthy purpose for entering Denmark’, should submit a request to the organisers no later than 10 September 2021.



Dustin M. Neighbors, Postdoctoral Research Associate, and Oskar J. Rojewski, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Privacy Studies


Registration deadline extended to Friday, 17 September

Please sign up for the workshop via the following link:


  • Satoshi Koyama, “The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a Political Space: Its Unity and Complexity”, in Regions in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Present, eds. H. Tadayuki and F. Hiroshi (Sappro: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 2007), 146.