ONLINE PRIVACY SYMPOSIUM: Privacy and Private in Early Modern Jewish Life

Centre for Privacy Studies

17 November 2020


Laurens Scherm, Jews in the Temple, 1701. Engraving. © Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Centre for Privacy Studies at the University of Copenhagen aims to explore with this symposium how Jewish individuals and Jewish communities that existed across Europe throughout the early modern period, defined and related to their private space and privacy in relation to the public sphere. This is particularly important, because the Jewish communities existed in different social and legal conditions in various states. While in the United Provinces, the Jews were not persecuted, and some of them even enjoyed a rather good economic and social position, in many other countries the situation was radically different and they suffered from persecution and insecurity. The five speakers coming from Europe, Israel and the US will focus on two main domains: literary representations of notions of privacy, and spatial privacy. We aim at creating a discussion on privacy within the field of Jewish history and Studies and invite scholars and students interested in this topic to attend and participate in the discussions.



Michaël Green (Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen)

Rachel Greenblatt (Brandeis University)

Claudia Rosenzweig (Bar-Ilan University)

Rebekka Voß (University of Frankfurt)

Bart Wallet (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

With participation of Myriam Silvera (Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata)

Symposium programme and abstracts can be downloaded here:


The symposium will take place online, via ZOOM, on 17 November 2020, 13:00-16:30 Danish time. To attend the seminar and receive the link to the meeting room, please register here.