PRIVACY scholars presenting in Indianapolis at Society for French Studies' Annual Conference
PRIVACY Scholars Michäel Green, Natália da Silva Perez, Fabio Gigone, and Bastian Nolsøe Vaucanson are participating in a panel at the annual Society for French Historical Studies conference, entitled: Behind Walls:
Perspectives on Privacy under Louis XIV.
The panel consists of three papers, which offers insights on the concepts of private and public in seventeenth century France.
Two of the papers deal with princely education in the broader sense of the word, and include networks, patronage, as well as spatial analysis, based on the example of Louis XIV’s son and grandson. The third paper focuses on a different aspect of privacy – sexuality at court and beyond.
PRIVACY PostDoc Michaël Green: The education of the Grand Dauphin - Public education, private dealings.
PRIVACY PhDFellows Bastian Nolsøe Vaucanson and Fabio Gigone: Spaces of Secrecy at the Sun King’s Court.
PRIVACY PostDoc Natália da Silva Perez: Hierarchies of Privacy: Sexual surveillance during the reign of Louis XIV.