27 June 2022

Tiffany Jenkins at the Centre for Privacy Studies – Read the Interview

In early June, the Centre for Privacy Studies welcomed the Edinburgh-based author, Tiffany Jenkins, to discuss her upcoming book: Strangers and Intimates: The Rise and Fall of Private Life and the long history of privacy in the Global North.


It was a really informing and invigorating visit for me. And it actually has given me some ideas that will go into the book, and may help also with the conclusion.   - Tiffany Jenkins

Read our interview with Jenkins on the PRIVACY Blog Post here

Jenkins traces the history of privacy from the seventeenth century to the twenty-first, drawing on a wealth of historical research as well as contemporary debates on privacy issues. Some of the research drawn upon by Jenkins is conducted at the Centre for Privacy Studies.

We look forward to the publication of Strangers and Intimates: The Rise and Fall of Private Life in 2023 by Picador Press.

Jenkins holds a PhD in Sociology and is the author of the widely acclaimed Keeping their Marbles, which takes on the delicate topic of whether museum artefacts should be re-patriated and why. Find out more about Tiffany Jenkins’ work here: https://tiffanyjenkinsinfo.com