23 February 2023

Frank Ejby Poulsen has won the María Zambrano Grant

Cordial congratulations to Frank Ejby Poulsen who has won the María Zambrano Grant for the attraction of international talents (€99.500) at the University King Juan Carlos.

Frank will carry the project: ‘Oikosmos–El Oikos y el Kosmos: Una historia global del conocimiento a través de las bibliotecas privadas’, as member of the Investigation Group CINTER in Madrid, February 2023-December 2024.

At PRIVACY, Frank has conducted research into early modern intellectual history with a particular focus on the intellectual ambience of Chatsworth House and its library (in collaboration with architect Sanne Maekelberg). For the breadth of Frank’s work, see his posts on the PRIVACY research blog: https://privacy.hypotheses.org/author/privacystudies

We wish Frank all the best in his new employment.
