Paolo Astorri
"Ecclesiastical Courts and Church Discipline in the Holy Roman Empire (16th-17th Centuries)" The Dark Side of the Moon: Church Legal Regimes Between Unity and Plurality (XVI-XVIII Centuries, Münster University, Germany, 21-22 November.
Bastian Felter Vaucanson
- "S’écrire par amour de Dieu : fonctions et métamorphoses de la lettre spirituelle privée au XVIIe siècle", invited lecturer in series Autoportaits au féminin, organized by the Groupe de recherche en histoire des sociabilités, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 14 November.
Hui-Yi Yang
- "Narratives of History at House Museums: Revisiting the Past and Envisioning the Future" ,1st International Research Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches (IRCIA 2024), Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 31 August.
Nuno Grancho
- presentation of paper, "Time, spatial culture and the colonial city in South Asia", Crossways of Knowledge, The 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Surabaya, Indonesia, 28 July to 1 August.
chair of panels "Curating and Engendering Asia", "Women Across Asia: Stories, Agencies, and Representations", "Religious Encounters", and "Overlooked Mobilities in the Indian Ocean and Beyond II", Crossways of Knowledge, The 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Surabaya, Indonesia, 28 July to 1 August.
"Temporalities of the Colonial City in South Asia", NUS Cities Lecture Series, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 25 July.
Natacha Klein Käfer
- with Jelena Bakic, Solmaz Sadeghi, Natalie Körner and Liam Benison, chair of panel: "Privacy in Context IV: Engaging the Margins", Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
Mette Birkedal Bruun
Opening presentation: “Artifical Intelligence and Privacy: Causes for Concern” Privacy Studies Journal Introductory Workshop at Computer Privacy Data Protection 2024, Brussels, 23 May.
“The State of the Art in early modern Privacy Studies” keynote at the symposium Impressions of Privacy in Early Modern Paratexts, University of Verona, Department of Cultures and Civilization, 16 May.
“The Notion of Privacy as an Analytical Catalyst in Early Modern Studies”, presentation at the Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
with Paolo Astorri (chair) Andrea Gáldy, Rebecca Arnheim and Lee Palmer Wandel in panel: "Privacy in Context I: Spaces, Collections, Exhibitions", Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
with Johannes Ljungberg (chair), Natacha Klein Käfer, etc., in panel: "Privacy in Context II: Health", Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
with Johannes Ljungberg, Paolo Astorri, chair of panel: "Privacy in Context III: Monitoring Believers, Couples, and Mobile Individuals", Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
“The Limits of Solitude: Early Modern Norms and Suspicions regarding Withdrawal from the World”, invited lecture in the DFG-project Interkonfessionalität in der Frühen Neuzeit, Universität Hamburg, 17 Jan.
“Interdisciplinary collaboration in large projects”, lecture at workshop of the project REPAI – Responsible AI for Value Creation, University of Aalborg et al., 10 Jan.
Christine Jeanneret
- “Corpi in scena: Studiare le fonti iconografiche dell’opera seicentesca nell’Ipermestra di Francesco Cavalli" [Bodies on stage: Studying the iconographic sources of seventeenth-century opera in Francesco Cavalli's Hypermestra], Seminari di musicologia, Conservatorio di Musica “Santa Cecilia”, Rome, Italy, 22 January.
Johannes Ljungberg
- "Generational Dissent. Three media shifts in religiously dissenting nodes of transnational networks in the Lutheran North", Vormoderne Kolloqium, University of Basel, 28 February
- "Privacy as an international right and a research concept", Invited speaker for workshop with PhD students at the Basel Graduate School of History on private communication and public surveillance, 13-14 March
- "Early Modern Wedding Crashers: On multiple privatizations of a public event. The case of seventeenth-century Helmstedt", Renaissance Society of America's annual conference, Chicago, IL, 21-23 March
- "What privacy are we talking about? Privacy as a right and as a research concept, 1948–today", Invited speaker for the workshop international seminar Past Privacy Matters: How to Study It and Why, Santa Maria, Brazil, 3 April
- "Generational Dissent in the Lutheran North? Early adopters of new platforms in shifting media ecologies between private and public communication", REFORC conference, Palermo, 14-16 May
Fabio Gigone
- in panel "Plagues and Peoples: Health Crises and Cultural Rebirth in Early Modern Worlds II", Renaissance Society of America annual conference, Chicago, 21 March.
Asta Mønsted
- ”Preserving Indigenous Ecologies through Greenlandic Inuit Oral History: Insights for Future Arctic Urban Environments”, NAISA 2024 Bådåddjo conference, Norway, 6-8 June.
Viktor Wretström
- “Horti Lucullinai – The First Urban Garden in Rome”, KNUT PhD Lectures, University of Lund, Sweden, March 11.
Carmen Garcia Sanchez
“Japan-ness: Insights into the Architecture of Carlo Scarpa”. Danish Institute for Science and Art in Rome, Accademia di Danimarca, Det Danske Institut i Rom. September 25.
“The Art Making of Biophilic Design” International lecture and organizer of a research node, seminar/workshop Nature In for MA students hosted by Konstfack - University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, invited by Professor Kristina Fridh. January 24.
Solmaz Sadeghi
- Sadeghi, S. " From the Body to the Square: Public Privacy in the Shadows of London Bridge". In The 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Chicago, IL, USA, 2024.
- Session Chair, International and Transcultural Travel, In The 70th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Chicago, IL, USA, 2024.