Research Stay
The Centre regularly welcomes guest scholars from around the world. If you wish to apply to come to do research at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, you need to put together a formal application which consists of the following materials:
1) A cover letter indicating your academic level (i.e., MA student, PhD student, postdoctoral fellow, senior researcher, etc.), the proposed dates of your stay at the Centre, and how you will finance your stay. (Please note that SKC does not offer any stipends or financial assistance).
2) A current curriculum vitae.
3) Two letters of recommendation.
4) A 3-5 page description of the project that you wish to explore during your stay.
Please send these materials to the Centre's secretary at
Due to many applications, we offer a workspace with a desk for six months with the possibility of extension of another six months. To apply for an extension of your stay, you should submit an application a month before the end of your current stay.
Note: There is no deadline for applications, but it is strongly recommended that interested applicants submit their materials 6-10 months prior to their proposed stay.