Presentations 2022

Carmen Garcia Sanchez

  • "NATURE-IN: Danish Domestic Landmarks and the Japanese Tradition” Tokyo Institute of Technology, School of Environment and Society, Tokyo, Japan, December 12.

  • “NATURE-IN” Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen, October 4.
  • “New European Bauhaus in the Nordic context.” The Festival of the New European Bauhaus in Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, June 10.

  • “New Visions of an Architectural Dialogue: Danish Domestic Landmarks and Nature.” The Escandinavia Symposium. An Architectural Dialogue between Denmark and Spain, Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmark, April 21.

  • “Towards a Nature-linked Architectural World: observations from Denmark” (English) “Hacia un mundo arquitectónico conectado a la naturaleza: observaciones desde Dinamarca” (Spanish) The Nature of Cities Festival, Online, March 29-31.

Natacha Klein Käfer

  • "Healing Dialogue: Controversial Healing Prayers in August of Saxony’s Private Manuscript." Practices of Privacy: Vestiges of Dialogue and Its Places, Accademia Belgica, Royal Dutch Institute, and Danish Institute, Rome, Italy, November 30 - December 2.
  • "Welcome and Introduction to the Centre for Privacy Studies", Practices of Privacy: Vestiges of Dialogue and Its Places, Accademia Belgica, Royal Dutch Institute, and Danish Institute, Rome, Italy, November 30 - December 2.

  • 'A History of Touch: Proximity in Early Modern Medicine', Ranges of Proximity: Approaching Narratives in Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 4.
  • "Natural, Unnatural and Supernatural Bodies in the Early Modern Period", Division of ALM and Book History, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, September 9.

  • "Early modern privatization of knowledge - healing between public concern and private interest" (panelist), RSA 2022 Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, March 30 - April 2. 

  • "Early modern privatization of knowledge - healing between public concern and private interest", RSA 2022 Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, March 30 - April 2. 
  • "Natural, Unnatural and Supernatural Bodies in the Early Modern Period", Department of History, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, January 26.

Mette Birkedal Bruun

  • "Presentation from the Faculty of Theology", Celebrating Ecofeminism, cross-disciplinary seminar, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, December 8.
  • "Privacy and Prayer in the History of Christianity" (opening keynote lecture), International Association of Privacy Professionals Europe: Data Protection Congress, Brussels, Belgium, November 16. 

  • "Welcome speech" and "Closing remarks", STAY HOME: New Perspectives on the Home, The Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen, November 10-11.

  • "Working across Disparate Fields of Knowledge" (keynote) PhD Course: Experimenting with Ethnography, The IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark October 23.

  • "Opening lecture" Privacy and Colonialism, Centre for Privacy Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 6. 

  • “Privacy: A Church Historical Perspective” The British Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, London, United Kingdom, August 17.

  • "Forskningsledelse på universitetet af i dag" ARTS, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, August 15.

  • "Privacy and Faith" International Association of Privacy Professionals Annual Leadership Retreat, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, United States, June 22.

  • "Introduction: Privacy Past and Present" Computers, Privacy Data Protection conference 2022. Theme: Data Protection and Privacy in Transitional Times, Brussels, Belgium, May 24.

  • "Opening lecture" seminar Privacy and Marriage in the Early Modern Period, Centre for Privacy Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 21.

  • "Interdisciplinary Collaboration and its invisible Benefits" Building Collaboration, Networks and Trust Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, March 8-9.

Johannes Ljungberg

  • "Protecting Private Conversations: Three Ways to Avoid Public Exposure in the State Commissions on Pietism", Session: What was private in 18th century Denmark and Sweden? 30th Congress of Nordic Historians, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 9. 

  • with Sari Nauman and Joachim Östlund, "Pax Nordica: Experiences and Lessons of the Nordic Peace, 1721–1830", Higher Seminar, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany, June 28. 

  • with Katja Pape de Neergaard, "Private Conversations Past and Present", Computers, Privacy Data Protection conference 2022. Theme: Data Protection and Privacy in Transitional Times, Brussels, Belgium, May 24. 

  • with Jesper Jakobsen, "The Establishment of the Police Office in Altona and Matters of Privacy", The Eighteenth-Century Seminar at the Saxo-Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 16.

  • "1700-talets Frankenstein: Johann Conrad Dippels skandalösa resa genom Nordeuropa" [The 18th century Frankenstein: Johann Conrad Dippel's scandalous travel across Northern Europe], Student association Clio, Lund, Sweden May 12. 

  • "Skydd för privatlivet innan rättigheten formulerades. Resultat och reflektioner från ett kollaborativt forskningsprogram" [Protection of Privacy before the formulation of a right. Results and reflections from a collaborative research programme], 20thAnniversary of Sweden’s National Graduate School of History, Lund, Sweden, April 29. 

Bastian Felter Vaucanson

  • "La conversation éternelle: Jeanne Guyon dans ses lettres à Fénelon (1688-1690)", Femmes en correspondances (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles),  Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada, June 9-10. 

Frank Ejby Poulsen

  • "Out of the Closet: The Privacy of Knowledge Construction in the 17th-century Devonshire Library", The International Society for Intellectual History 2022 Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy, September 12-15.

  • "Transcending the Public and the Private: The Cosmopolitanism of FreeMason Joseph Honoré Rémy", Open Lectures on Freemasonry, Online, May 29.

Christine Jeanneret

  • “Body and Privacy: Divulging Secret Knowledge about the Popes’ Health and Death in the Early Modern Avvisi di Roma,” Practices of Privacy: Vestiges of Dialogue and its Places, Centre for Privacy Studies, Academia Belgica, Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, The Danish Institute in Rome, Rome, Italy, November 30 - December 2. 

  • “Listening to the Past: Soundscapes and Sonic History at Rosenborg Castle”, Sound Studies Lecture Series, Department of Musicology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 27.

  • with Lise Henriette Hindsberg “Reading Silence and Noise in Rosenborg’s Visual Sources and Artefacts”, Silence, Noise, and Privacy: Second Interdisciplinary Workshop, Rosenborg Castle and Centre for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark September 15-16.
  • "Made in Italy, Tailored for the North: Giuseppe Sarti and Italian Opera in Eighteenth-Century Copenhagen", Musical and Theatrical Migration: Performance Practice in 17th and 18th-Century Europe, Queluz National Palace, Lisbon, Potugal, July 7-10. 

  • "The Body’s Eloquence: Female Opera Singers and Acting on the Eighteenth-Century Venetian Stage, Sources and Methodological Questions", Women, Opera and the Public Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice: Concepts, Sources and Methodologies, Fondazione Levi, Venice, Italy, May 23-24. 

Sanne Maekelberg

  • with Frank Ejby Poulsen "Private Life in the English Country House" University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, November 24.
  • "Out of the Closet: The Privacy of Knowledge Construction in the 17th-century Devonshire Library", The International Society for Intellectual History 2022 Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy, September 12-15.

  • "A Monarch in Motion: On the Use of GIS for Research into Early Modern Privacy" Digital Humanities Approaches to Early Modern Privacy at the RSA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, April 2. 

Søren Frank Jensen

  • "The Estates in Nikolaus Selnecker’s Ehe und Regenten Spiegel (1600)”, 14th International Congress for Luther Research, California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, United States, August 19.

  • "Models of Devotion in Nikolaus Selnecker’s Interpretations of the Psalms", Staging the Self, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, April 27. 

Paolo Astorri

  • "Usury and Excommunication in Protestant Germany", Church and Market. The Spiritual Weapons of Early Modern Economy, Università Cá Foscari, Venice, Italy, January 25.
  • "Quo vadimus? Current and Future Research on Early Modern Spanish Scholastic Thought", Roundtable at the RSA Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, March 30 - April 2.

  • "Business Regulation in Sixteenth-Century Spain and Germany: Catholic and Lutheran Teachings on the Five Percent Contract", Law, Theology, and the Moral Regulation of ‘Economy’ in the Early Modern Atlantic World, The Newberry Library, Chicago, United States, March 25. 

  • "The Public Authority according to Oldendorp, Vigelius and Treutler", Humanismus, Jurisprudenz und Konfessionalisierung in Hessen, ca. 1500–1560, Marburg, Germany, March 11-12.

Sari Nauman

  • "Internally Displaced Persons in the 18th-Century Baltic Sea Region." Migration and Democracy: Confronting Illiberalism in the Baltic Sea Region, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, December 7.
  • "Murder at the Threshold: Private and Public during Rebellions", The Congress of Nordic Historians, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 9. 

  • with Johannes Ljungberg and Joachim Östlund, "Pax Nordica: Experiences and Lessons of the Nordic Peace, 1721–1830", Higher Seminar, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany, June 28.

  • "Internally Displaced Persons in the Baltics, 18th Century", Refugees and Survivors in Historiographies and Public History, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden, June 17. 

  • "Becoming Foreign: Internally Displaced Persons in Sweden", Swedish Ages in Transnational Comparison, The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1.

  • "Border Making and Surveilling Refugees in Early Modernity", Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection (CPDP), Brussels, Belgium, May 24.

  • "Om samarbetsprojekt", Tidigmodernt nätverk, Stockholm, Sweden, March 17.

  • with Wojtek Jezierski and Christina Reimann, "Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe", the Historical Seminar Series, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 22.

Nuno Grancho

  • "The Hybrid Danish Colonial Home", STAY HOME: New perspectives on the Home, The Royal Danish Academy - Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 10-11.

  • “Places in-between: Zanzibar, Diu and Tranquebar. Hybridity in architectural and urban colonial cultures from the Indian Ocean realm,” Crossings in the Indian Ocean Memory and Heritage,  CHAM, New University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, Camões Institute for Cooperation and Portuguese Language, Lisbon, Portugal, The Museum of Indian Ocean, SUZA, The State University of Zanzibar, Zanzibar, Stone Town of Zanzibar, Tanzania, November 8-9.

  • “Privacy and Architecture: constructing a history” (author and chair), 2022 Conference of the Universities' Art Association of Canada, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, October 27-29.
  • “How to Draw Time in the Danish colonial city in India,” Timely Histories, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient - Berlin, Germany, and Centre for the Study of Developing Societies – New Delhi, India, New Delhi, India, October 12-14.

  • "Three Port Cities in the Borders Between East and West: Diu, Tranquebar, and Pondicherry", Colonial Cities and Border Regimes in the Long 19th Century in Inter-imperial and Intra-imperial Comparisons, Herder Institute for Historical Research, Marburg, Germany September 26-29. 

  • "Privacy in Architecture of Copies in Danish Colonial India", The Architecture of Copies | Copies of Architecture, Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, September 21-22. 

  • "Religion and Co-spatiality in a former European colonial city in India" 15th International Conference of the European Association for Urban History “Inequality and the City”,  Antwerp, Belgium, August 31 - September 3.

  • “INDIABRIDGE”, EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF): Crossing Borders, Engaged Science, Resilient Societies. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Satellite Event. Invitation by the European Commission, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 12-13.

  •  "Writing Social Architectural and Urban Histories through Privacy", Network for History and Cultural Studies, Royal Danish Academy, Architecture, Design and Conservation, Institute of Architecture and Design, Copenhagen, Denmark, January 12.

Jill Bepler

  • "Verlorene Bibliotheken, vergessene Leserinnen: Fürstinnen der Frühen Neuzeit und das Schicksal ihrer Bücher", Public lecture at the Stuttgart State Library, Stuttgart, Germany, December 15.
  • "Travelling libraries: composite texts and fragmentary sources on the experience of travel", Le Livre comme objet du transfert culturel à la première modernité: acteurs, commerce, pratiques, Bibliothèque Carnégie, Reims, France, June 3.

  • "Französische Bestände in Fürstinnenbibliotheken bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts", Französische Bücher in deutschen Fürstinnenbibliotheken -Kulturtransfer und Kanonisierung im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany, May 5.

Fabio Gigone

  • “Old, but Gold.” (Co-organiser and Chair), SPARK Galleri, Malmö, Sweden, October 7.

  • “Dismantling the canon through multidisciplinary encounters: the cases of diplomatic legations in the city.” (Co-chair), The Italian Association Urban History Yearly Conference, Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy, September 6-10.

  • "Gift, Love, and Authority: a detour among paintings, architecture, and diplomacy in Versailles under Louis XIV”, The AISU Italian Association Urban History Yearly Conference, Polytechnic University of Turin, Turin, Italy, September 6-10.

  • "ATLAS of emerging practices", New Generations Festival, Real Accademia di Spagna, Rome, Italy, June 30th - July 2nd.