Publications 2017

Mette Birkedal Bruun

  • “Monastisk Reform i 1600-tallets Frankrig”, in En anden reformation: Om den katolske reformation, edited by Hanne Roer and Pernille Carstens, pp. 266-289. Copenhagen: Orbis.

  • The Unfamiliar Familiar: Armand-Jean de Rancé (1626-1700) between Withdrawal and Engagement. Copenhagen, The Theological Faculty, disputats.

  •  ”Time Well Spent: Scheduling Private Devotion in Early Modern France”, in Managing Time: Literature and Devotion in Early Modern France edited by Richard Maber and Joanna Barker, pp. 35–68. Oxford: Peter Lang. 

Annabel Brett

  • “Protection as a political concept in English political thought, 1603-1651”, in Protection and empire. A global history edited by Bain Attwood, Lauren Benton and Adam Clulow, pp. 93-113. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • “Rights of and over animals in the ius naturae et gentium”, AJIL Unbound 111, pp. 257-261.

Helle Vogt

  • with Ole-Albert Rønning and Helle Sigh (eds.), Donations, Strategies and Relations in the Latin West/Nordic Countries from the Late Roman Period until Today. New York, Routledge.

  • with Sigrun Berg and Miriam Tveit (eds.), 'It’s all about inheritance' – On gender, Sami and other important categories in Lars Ivar Hansen’s research, Speculum Boreale, vol. 17, pp. 1-5. Tromsø, University of Tromsø.

  • "Protecting the individual, the kin and the soul – Donation regulations in Danish and Norwegian medieval legislation”, in Donations, Strategies and Relations in the Latin West/Nordic Countries from the Late Roman Period until Today edited by Ole-Albert Rønning, Helle Sigh and Helle Vogt, pp. 130-145.  New York, Routledge.

  •  ”Ret og reformation – Dansk retshistorisk status ved 500-året for Luthers 95 teser”, Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen U.2017B., pp. 321-331.

  • with Morten Kjær, ”Udi krigen at lade sig bruge – Straf og forvisning i det efterreformatoriske Danmark-Norge”, in Reformationen i Danmark, edited by Hørris, O. & Ingesman, P., pp. 393-412. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Jill Bepler

  • “Dynastic positioning and political newsgathering: Hedwig Eleonora of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf, and her correspondence”, in Queens Consort, Cultural Transfer and European Politics, c. 1500-1800 edited by Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, and Adam Morton, pp. 132-152. New York and Abingdon: Routledge.

  • “Making books matter. Dynastic women and the material culture of book objects in early modern Germany”, in Biographien des Buches, edited by Ulrikke Gleixner, Constanze Baum, Jörn Münkler and Hole Rößler,  pp. 250-274. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 

  • “Marriage markets and risk assessment: The lure of the Russian Empire at the turn of the eighteenth century”, in Frictions and Failures. Cultural Encounters in Crisis, edited by Almut Bues, pp. 201-213. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 
  • "Schreiben und Sammeln in dynastischen Bezügen – Magdalena Sibylla von Württemberg", in Magdalena Sibylla von Württemberg. Politisches und kulturelles Handeln einer Herzogswitwe im Zeichen des frühen Pietismus, edited by Joachim Kremer, pp. 93-116. Ostfildern: Thorbecke.

  • "The Queen of the North. Hedwig Eleonora and her German family in paint and print”, in Queen Hedwig Eleonora and the Arts. Court culture in seventeenth-century northern Europe, edited by Kristoffer Neville and Lisa Skogh, pp. 18-34. New York and Abingdon: Routledge. 

Maarten Delbeke

  • “Monuments”, in Eigteenth-Century Architecture. The Companions to the History of Architecture, vol. II, edited by Caroline van Eck and Sigrid de Jong, pp. 753–784. London: Wiley-Blackwell. 

Peter Thule Kristensen

  • ”A Coherent Whole: Gottlieb Bindesbøll’s Mental Hospitals, Regarded  from a Welfare-Historical Perspective”, in Forming Welfare, edited by Katrine Lotz et al., pp. 192-205. Copenhagen: Arkitektens Forlag. 

Florian Wöller

  • "Fußnoten im Mittelalter: Zur These einer historischen Wende im Denken des 14. Jahrhunderts". in Language and Method: Historical and Historiographical Reflections on Medieval Thought, edited by Ueli Zahnd, i.Br. Paradeigmata, vol.41, pp.143-165Freiburg: Rombach Druck- und Verlagshaus.

  • "The Bible as Argument: Augustine in the Literal Exegesis of Peter Auriol (c. 1280-1322) and Nicholas of Lyra (c. 1270-1349)". in Augustine in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology, edited by John T. Slotemaker, Jeffrey C. Witt and Markus Vinzent,  Studia patristica, vol.87, pp.67-79. Leuven: Peeters .