A Companion to the Spanish Scholastics

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  • Harald Ernst Braun (Redaktør)
  • Erik De Bom (Redaktør)
  • Astorri, Paolo (Redaktør)
The Companion to the Spanish Scholastics offers a much-needed survey of the entire field of early modern Spanish scholastic thought. The volume introduces main themes and contexts of scholastics inquiry (Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Politics, Economics, Law, Science and the Senses) through close examination of a wide range of texts, debates, methods, and authors, as well as in-depth discussion of the relevant literature. Chapters include a useful bibliography and serve as point of departure for future research. The volume not only draws the sum of existing research, but challenges established notions and breaks new ground.
Antal sider644
ISBN (Trykt)978-90-04-29441-7
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-90-04-29696-1
StatusUdgivet - 2022
NavnBrill's Companions to the Christian Tradition

ID: 288301381