Construcción de un modelo arquitectónico vinculado a la Naturaleza: Una nueva estrategia de docencia y aprendizaje

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Innovative teaching and learning methodologies challenge conventional architectural design education for improved students´ creativity, knowledge, skills and competences. These new strategies can improve students´ engagement, motivation, and attainment, but they also demand a teaching team´s great effort and are linked to a set of difficulties. This article analyses and unfolds the keys of an innovative teaching project proposal conceived as a workshop, which promotes Nature´s interaction with the architecture of the future.The proposal has been devised and planned by me to be developed as a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher, at an Architecture Research and Educational Institution. The project, where the classroom is understood as an architectural laboratory in which the meeting between the subjects Architectural Design and Building Construction takes place, integrates a variety of innovative education methodologies: Gamification, Flipped Classroom, Learning Based on Challenges, Design Thinking and Collective Intelligence. Through it, architecture students are able to improve their creativity and achieve diverse knowledge, strengths and complementary skills. This offers resources for innovative teaching good practice and implementation, to facilitate innovation at the classroom level. It presents tools to overcome the challenges facing innovative learning models in Architecture education. Above all, it aims to foster innovation in architectural design education by empowering and inspiring teachers and other education staff to use innovative teaching methods while sharing best practices and experiences.
TidsskriftAdvances In Building Education Innovación Educativa en Edificación
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)73-90
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 30 apr. 2020
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 379995645