Judaean Religion and Identity in Achaemenid Period Elephantine
GT-seminar ved Professor Gard Granerød, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (Oslo) om "Judaean Religion and Identity in Achaemenid Period Elephantine"
Gard Granerød is an expert in the various forms of Judaism 2,500 years ago, especially with regard to the ancient community of Judeans (or ‘Jews’) in Egypt.
He will address the following topic:
What were the characteristics of Judaean religion and identity in Elephantine (Upper Egypt) in the Achaemenid (Persian) period? The presentation aims to give a "crash course" on recent contributions to the topic. As a unifying structure, the talk uses Ninian Smart's multidimensional model of religion as reused in Gard Granerød's Dimensions of Yahwism in the Persian Period: Studies in the Religion and Society of the Judaean Community at Elephantine (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016). The presentation seeks to be in dialogue with recently published literature on Elephantine.
NB. A written form of his paper will be circulated in advance. Please write to Frederik Poulsen, fpo@teol.ku.dk if you want to participate and receive his paper before the seminar.