”Paradoxes of Practice in the Early Church. Contemporary Discussions”


Årskonference Center for Paradoksstudier

Årskonferencen er åben for tilmelding. Skriv til Johanne Stubbe T Kristensen på mail: jst@teol.ku.dk



13.00-13.15: Welcome. Location: Faculty of Theology, South Campus, 6B-1-62

13.15-13.45: Recollection and Introduction

13.15-13.45: Johanne S. T. Kristensen: “Limit(s) of Theology? Faith, Scripture and Practice”

13.45-18.30: Young Scholars Program/ Short Papers

13.45-14.30: Anne-Milla Wichmann Kristensen: “Belonging in Crisis: A Tillicean Consideration of Experiences in the Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020”

14.30-15.15: Gustav Graeser Damgaard: “Et nunc, domine, confiteor tibi in litteris: A Reflection on Confession, Textuality and the Name of God in Derrida’s Circumfession”

15.15-16.00: Theis Schønning Johansen: “Erasmus of Rotterdam: Literature and Theology”

16.00-16.15: Coffee Break

16.15-17.00: Andreas Ole Nielsen: “Noli Me Frangere. Approaching the Literary Fragment as Impossible Presence – from Exodus to Emmaus”

17.00-17.45: Andreas Alexander Ekkert: ”Systematics and Exegesis: A Interdisciplinary Approach”

17.45-18.30: Annette Hjort Knudsen: ”The Phenomenon of Power Encountered in Biblical Narratives and Historic Case Studies Illuminated by Hannah Arendt’s Systematic Reflections”

18.30: Summary and Drinks (open for all, self-paid)

10.15-12.00: Open Lecture, open for all, no registration:
Duane H. Davis, University of North Carolina: “Paradoxes of Presence and Practice: Love, Lack, and Loss in St. Augustine”
Location: South Campus, Faculty of Theology, Kierkegaard Auditoriet, 9A-0-01

12.00-13.30: Lunch: Location: South Campus, Faculty of Theology/Law

13.30-17.30 Conference Lectures: Location: Faculty of Theology, South Campus, 6B-1-62

13.30-14.30 Jacob Palle Bliddal Mortensen, Aarhus Universitet: “Discontinuity in the Early Church. A Contemporary Exegetical Perspective”

14.30-15.30 Peter Søes, Lutheran School of Theology, Aarhus: ”Is the Trinity a Paradox? Exploring Tertullian’s Understanding of Divine Nature”

15.30-16.00 Coffee Break

16.00-17.00 Florian Wöller, University of Copenhagen: “Spectacles Against Theatre: On the Performativity of Christian Public Ritual in Late Antiquity”

17.00-18.00 Elisabeth Maikranz, Heidelberg University: “Scripture and Tradition – and their Paradoxes”

18.00 Conference Dinner (open for all, self-paid): Expected location: Hotel Guldsmeden, Gullfossgade 4, Islands Brygge