

Carsten Pallesen (Head of PhD-School) Welcome

Peter Søes (Dept. of Systematic Theology) “Aspects of the Imago Dei-anthropology i Barth, Pannenberg, and in Tertullian”

Tina Folke Drigsdahl (Dept. of Systematic Theology) “Det Helliges Dekonstruktion”

Laila Bomose (Dept. of Systematic Theology) “Catherine Malabous plastiske traumebegreb overført til et begreb om sorg?”

Toke Andreas Møldrup Wolff (Center for African Studies) “Policing Somaliland: Ideals and Realities in the Production of ’Order’”

Mette Ahlefeldt-Laurvig (Guest PhD-fellow from Oxford) “Sin and Salvation. Churching as a disciplinary tool in Early Modern Denmark”

It is the ambition of the PhD Board, through these seminars, to create a scholarly forum across departments and centres where PhD candidates have the opportunity to present their work and hear about others’ PhD projects; where the staff gets the chance to hear what our PhDs are working on; and where the wider community of students get a glimpse of the nature and form of PhD-projects.  

The fifth PhD Research Seminar takes place on 11 November 2016.