Guest lecture and workshop


Tommy Wasserman: Current Trends in New Testament Textual Criticism

In this lecture Wasserman presents on current trends in New Testament textual criticism: the “battle“ over the papyri – the debate about their date and how to interpret their place in the textual history of the NT; the latest research on the majuscules, the increasing attention to early paratexts and the recovery of palimpsest texts in St Catherine’s monastery in Sinai; new methods for analyzing textual relationships and the future of “text-types”; the issue of “Orthodox corruption.” i.e., whether the text was improved by proto-orthodox scribes in the context of Christological debates; and, finally, ethical issues relating to provenance and authenticity of manuscripts in the wake of recent scandals.

The lecture will be followed by a workshop on New Testament textual criticism (15–17),
with a presentation by Conrad Thorup Elmelund onAndet Timotheusbrev: Hvornår og Hvor? Tekst og traditioner i subskriptionerne” and practical exercises in textual critcism.

Tommy Wasserman is professor of Biblical Studies at Ansgar Teologiske Høgskole, Kristiansand. He is secretary of the International Greek New Testament Project (IGNTP) that oversees the publication of critical editions of the Greek NT, and serves on the board of the Centre for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM). Wasserman has authored and edited several books including The Epistle of Jude: Its Text and Transmission (Almqvist & Wiksell Int., 2006), Healing and Exorcism in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity (Mohr Siebeck, 2019), A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (SBL Press/Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2017), and To Cast the First Stone: The Transmission of a Gospel Story  (Princeton University Press, 2019).