Apocalypticism and Authority

Wednesday, 16 August

First session 9:15–11:00 (Chair: Jesper Høgenhaven)

9:15–9:30 Conference Opening
Dean Carsten Selch Jensen & Jesper Høgenhaven

9:30–9:50 “Exile and Redemption in 4QVisions of Amram”
Liora Goldman

9:50–10:10 “Authority and Chronologies in Visions of Amram and Related Texts”
Robert (Bobby) Duke

10:10–10:30 “What Was the Question Again? Further Remarks on 4Q547 1-2 12 and the Notion of Human Choice in 4QVisions of Amram”
Kasper Siegismund

10:30–11:00 Joint Discussion

Coffee Break 11:00–11:30

Second Session 11:30–12:30 (Chair: Søren Holst)

11:30–11:50 “Ancestral Traditions, Allusions, and Cameos in the Aramaic Pseudo-Daniel Texts”
Andrew B. Perrin

11:50–12:10 “Exhortation and Obedience in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs”
Stefan Marinus Kristensen

12:10–12:30 Joint Discussion

Lunch Break 12:30–14:00

Third session 14:00–15:00 (Chair: George J. Brooke)

14:00–14:20 “In Order, by Measure and Weight: Between Professional Education and Aramaic Literacy”
Henryk Drawnel

14:20–14:40 “Authority of the Levitical Line in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls”
Jessi Orpana

14:40–15:00 Joint Discussion

Coffee Break 15:00–15:30

Advisory Board Meeting 15:30–16:30

Conference Dinner 19:00

Thursday, 17 August

First session 9:15–11:00 (Chair: Jesper Høgenhaven)

9:15–9:45 “Neurocognitive Model for End Time Narratives (ETNs)”
Armin W. Geertz & Jesper Høgenhaven

9:45–10:05 “The Landscape of the War Scroll: Embodied Experience and Materiality”
Ida Hestbech Philipsen

10:05–10:25 “Giving Birth: A Perspective on Mark 13”
Clara Fasting Prebensen

10:25–10:50 “A Neurocognitive Approach to Qur’anic End Time Narratives”
Asim Jan

10:50–11:10 “‘Dream Logic,’ Dream Functions and the Self within Dreams: Daniel 4 as a Test Case”
Melissa Sayyad Bach

Coffee Break 11:10–11:40

Second Session 11:40–12:40 (Chair: Armin W. Geertz)

Neurocognitive Model session – Panel Discussion

11:40–11:50 Carol A. Newsom

11:50–12:00 George J. Brooke

12:00–12:10 Anders Klostergaard Petersen

12:10–12:40 Open Discussion

Lunch Break 12:40–14:00

Third Session 14:00–15:00 (Chair: Carol A. Newsom)

14:00–14:20 “The Ebb and Flow of Apocalypse: A Systems Theory Approach to Religious End Time Narratives”
Lauritz Holm Petersen

14:20–14:40 “The Origin and Meaning of Apocalypticism: A Persistent Conundrum or a Result of Specific Selection Pressures Leading to a New Type of Culture?”
Anders Klostergaard Petersen

14:40–15:10 “Apocalyptic in the Ancient (Biblical) World and Antiquity: Trends and Trajectories”
Jill Middlemas

Coffee Break 15:10–15:40

15:40–16:10 Joint Discussion

16:10–16:30 The End (Jesper Høgenhaven)