- Mette Birkedal Bruun, Interview for report: Bolig og livskvalitet - en undersøgelse af forskningsaktører i Danmark [Housing and quality of life - an examination of research actors in Denmark] VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Kan universiteternes ledere sætte retningen for fremtiden?” panel organized by Danish Industry, Folkemødet, Bornholm, 14 June.
- Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Fra Munke til GDPR” presentation at meeting with the Research committee of the Danish Parliament, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 20 Feb.
- Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Privacy i fortid og nutid: Hvordan forestillinger om det private former forholdet mellem individer og samfund i forskellige historiske kontekster” presentation in the Policy Fellowship programme, Queen Mary Center, University of Copenhagen, 10 Jan.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Kan universiteternes ledere sætte retningen for fremtiden?” [Can the leaders of the university set the direction for the future?] panel at Ledelsesscenen, Folkemødet, Bornholm, 15 June.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, Interview for report: Bolig og livskvalitet - en undersøgelse af forskningsaktører i Danmark [Housing and quality of life - an examination of research actors in Denmark] VIVE - Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd.
Natacha Klein Käfer, "Rituals, Prayers, and Blessings: Brazilian folk healing practices from a global historical perspective", seminar with Netværk for Latinamerikastudier, Copenhagen, 6 March.
Carmen Garcia Sanchez, "Nature Connectedness: How Can Home Design Improve our Health and Well-Being?", conference as part of active participation in Forskningens døgn (Book a Researcher) research week, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Denmark, April.
Viktor Wretström, "Urban Gardens: A Public Place for Private Activities?" blogpost on Centre for Privacy Studies blog, 26 March.
Hui-Yi Yang, Curator of June edition of Taiwan Architecture Magazine, vol. 345.
- Mette Birkedal Bruun, Emma Klakk Christensen, "A meeting of disciplines, people, laws and technologies: PRIVACY at the CPDP.ai Conference in Brussels. Blogpost on Centre for Privacy Studies, 18 June.
- Mette Birkedal Bruun, Emma Klakk Christensen, "Historisk forskning giver viden om databeskyttelse", contribution to Ingeniøren, 2 October.
- Mette Birkedal Bruun, Emma Klakk Christensen, "Interdisciplinary perspectives on homes and healthcare", blogpost on Center for Privacy Studies blog, 4 October.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, Emma Klakk Christensen, Organizers of interdisciplinary workshop: "Hjemmehospitaler - hvad betyder det for vores hjem og vores oplevelse af og erfaring med hjemmet?" [Home hospitals - what do they mean for our homes and our experience of our homes?], hosted at the University of Copenhagen, 20 December.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Er fremtidens bolig multifunktionel?” [Is the home of the future multi-functional?] panel-member in RealDania Morgenmøde, 22 November.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, “Privatliv: Et privilegie til forhandling” [Privacy: a privilege under negotiation], interview with Anja C. Andersen in Videnskab fra Vilde Hjerner, September.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, Emma Klakk Christensen, Katja Pape de Neergaard, Nicholas Thomas Lee, Katrine Rønsig Larsen, Anne-Milla Michmann Kristensen, "Finding a Home for Interdisciplinary Research: Dissolving Disciplinary Boundaries through the Development of an Audio/Spatial Installation" blog post, Stay Home Research Blog, 1 September.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, Karen Vallgårda and Bjarke Oxlund, “Familien i Forandring” panel organized by the University of Copenhagen, Folkemødet, Bornholm, 16 June.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, Mette Mechlenborg and Lone Simonsen, “Hvordan skal vi bo i Fremtiden?” panel organized by The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Folkemødet, Bornholm, 16 June.
Mette Birkedal Bruun, m. fl. "Professorer angriber regeringens kandidatreform: Tallene er »helt forkerte«" Comment / debate, Berlingske, 14 June.
Mette Birkedal Bruun with Michael Green "Historians in conversation - Mette Birkedal Bruun", podcast, #UniLodz Podcasts, June 13.
Mette Birkedal Bruun and Karen Vallgårda, “Det gode hjem i fortid og nutid” lecture at Forskningens Døgn, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 28 April.
Christine Jeanneret, "L’effimero multisensoriale", [The multisensory ephemeral], podcast produced by Elisa Cazzato, Université Ca’ Foscari, Venice, June.
Asta Mønsted, “Stjernehimlen som ressource.“ [The starry sky as a resource] talk at TÅRUP DARK SKY FESTIVAL 2023, 3 September.